
Monica Johnson

Professionally, I am an Emmy-nominated broadcast veteran with experience gained through PBS, independent, and network-affiliated television stations. My most recent position as Corporate Director of Programming and Compliance combined my experience in management, sales, negotiation, talent acquisition, and regulatory affairs for an owned and operated broadcast station group. Deviating from standard program scheduling wisdom raised the station's ratings in key time periods and demos within the broadcast markets.

Educationally, I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Akron. The words evolve, emerge, explore, and "expand" were my guides, which led me to pursue and receive my Master’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis School of Law.

Personally, every experience of my life have prepared me to bring a unique sensibility to whatever environment I am in. I see the intersectionality of life and business. I am Deanna Troi to Captain Jean-Luc Picard or Guinan to Captain Benjamin Sisco (whichever Star Trek you prefer).

To connect on LinkedIn: Monica Nettles Johnson

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